RHB Bank To Increase Growth Within Southeast Asia Region
RHB Bank Prepared to Take control of the South East Asia Financial Market
As we speak of RHB Group, we know that they are now among the 5 top banks in Malaysia. Comprehending the potential of foreign markets with the SEA region, they’ve expanded their horizon and entered Hong Kong, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and several other countries. Feeling the need to provide additional value, RHB Bank has begun to present numerous kinds of banking services to corporations and individual’s personal loans.
Individuals and organizations are free to create their savings and current account with RHB Bank conveniently and acquire a competitive interest rate as they transfer money into their accounts. Should they have any transactions online, they can easily utilize online banking services, RHB Now. For offline transactions, they’re able to access the ATM & CDM machines as well as MEPS ATM very easily for withdrawal.
As the Bank witnesses the change of trend from the good old purchasing method with cash to an online purchase, they noticed that there is an increasing demand for credit cards. Dependent on the data from research conducted that suggests the public’s increasing acceptance towards e-payment, it is undisputed that offering credit card services is among the main approach RHB Bank needs to be pushing forward-and they did precisely that.
Knowing there’s also an urgent need to minimize the supply and demand gap, the Bank took an extra step of progress to offer a value-added credit card plan that gives cashback as well as some other benefits the account holder can also enjoy whilst they use it.
RHB Bank is familiar with the fact that owning a savings account and credit card is not enough to satisfy one’s own financial needs. It is obvious that commonly, individuals need to apply for personal loans with the bank to obtain high-valued assets, which include houses and vehicles. For this reason, RHB has offered a low interest rate for many different types of loans. Customers who want to go the one step further could also subscribe to insurance plan and acquire unit trusts from RHB Group.
For corporations and entrepreneurs, corporate banking facilities are made available. They’re able to take a business loan or simply engage with RHB for corporate & investment banking. Intending to make sure that their solutions are top-rated, RHB has additionally offered online cash management and asset management services.
There’s one special class of customers that would reap out the most advantages of this: the small-medium enterprises. The products offered by RHB Bank will likely make it possible for them to gain more capital to better develop their business by making a loan application. Alternately, SMEs within the e-commerce industry also can sign up for RHB’s reliable retail solutions.
Even so, RHB Bank has never overlooked the demand for Islamic banking facilities. In Malaysia, Syariah-compliant services and products are highly demanded. Therefore, product or service which includes wealth management, unit trust, Islamic treasury, and corporate banking are particularly developed to assure that all business transactions follow the Syariah requirement.
In 2016, the Bank managed to enhance the growth of its annual brand value by 24%, which automatically makes them the fourth fastest-growing banking industry player in Malaysia. Whilst they anticipate the upcoming year’s financial market potential, RHB Bank has begun strategizing to design more impactful campaigns going forward.
Get your personal loan from RHB now!